Международный фестиваль технологий продвижения и рекламы ProMediaTech

15-16 января 2025  /  КРОКУС ЭКСПО  /  Павильон 1, зал 3


News of the ProMediaTech business program.

24 января 2024

A session on the topic The Effectiveness of Directing in Events will be held January 25 within the framework of the business program of the PROEVENT&EXPO conference.

Event and directing: How to learn to speak the same language and understand each other? Could there be an event without a director? What is the director responsible for and how does he influence the solution of the tasks of the event?

The session will bring together directors of various areas and formats of work.

Moderator: Elena Ovchinnikova, Producer and Director of the conference of directors Transformation of Reality, President of the foundation Culture. Legacy. Future.


- Vladimir Belenov, CEO, General Producer of the full-cycle agency Kultproekt,

- Yana Zhukova,Ddirector

- Oleg Kuzin, President of the Guild of Directors and Scriptwriters of the Event Industry (GRIS)

- Ilya Ovintsovsky, Director of the Worlds agency (ex. Podezhiki)